October is National Liver Awareness Month!
Erica Matute Erica Matute

October is National Liver Awareness Month!

In honor of National Liver Awareness Month, the Autoimmune Registry is focusing on autoimmune liver diseases. Autoimmune liver disease occurs when the immune system attacks liver cells, and can sometimes lead to liver failure.

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What are the common comorbid autoimmune diseases for wAIHA patients?
Erica Matute Erica Matute

What are the common comorbid autoimmune diseases for wAIHA patients?

At the Autoimmune Registry, we collect statistics on all autoimmune diseases.  One thing that is clear from our data is that most patients have more than one autoimmune disease.  For warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (wAIHA), we see the below conditions as the most common comorbid autoimmune diseases.

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Could asbestos trigger systemic autoimmune diseases?
Erica Matute Erica Matute

Could asbestos trigger systemic autoimmune diseases?

Research suggests that although genetics plays a role in 30% of all cases of autoimmune disease, over twice as many cases–70%–are due to environmental factors such as infections, diet, and exposure to toxic substances.

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Can a new "inverse vaccine” reverse autoimmune disease?
Erica Matute Erica Matute

Can a new "inverse vaccine” reverse autoimmune disease?

Although autoimmune diseases are estimated to affect over 20 million Americans, there remains to be no cure. Current treatments tend to rely on immunosuppressants that indiscriminately shut down the immune system and can come with significant side effects.

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