What are the mental health struggles of autoimmune disease patients?
One of the many challenges of having an autoimmune disease is the mental health struggles that often accompany the physical symptoms.
Why is it important for researchers to hear about patients' perspectives?
Many researchers spend years studying the biology of diseases without ever meeting a patient whose life is impacted by the disease or their research.
Can new biomarkers revolutionize Sjögren's diagnosis?
One of the most common conditions in our registry, Sjogren's disease is notorious for its lengthy diagnosis, with estimated averages of 3-5 years.
What's new in use of gene therapy to treat autoimmune disease?
Last year, a study was published on CAR-T's success in the treating 5 lupus patients. This year, a new study reported success in adapting CAR-T therapy to treat patients with myasthenia gravis.
How has COVID impacted the incidence of autoimmune diseases?
As of January 2023, an estimated 11% of Americans continue to experience post-COVID symptoms such as joint pain and brain fog, which are common autoimmune symptoms.
What's the latest research on autoimmune disease incidence?
A new study has been published examining the incidence of autoimmune diseases in the UK from 2000 to 2019.
NIH Establishes Office of Autoimmune Disease Research
On April 12, the Director of the Office of Research on Women’s Health announced the creation of the NIH Office of Autoimmune Disease Research.
My mother had Hashimoto’s – what’s the chance I will have an autoimmune disease?
Autoimmune thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s disease, is the most common autoimmune disease in our registry.
May is Lupus Awareness Month!
In honor of Lupus Awareness Month, we will look at new studies published in the field of lupus research.
How might autoimmunity affect our brain?
Patients with autoimmune diseases are familiar with the impact on our neurological system and brain, leading to symptoms like brain fog, neuropathy, and tremors.
Are more people being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases?
If it seems like we hear more about people being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases these days, it's because they are.
What is the relationship between autoimmune diseases and fatigue?
One of the most common symptoms reported by patients with any autoimmune disease is fatigue, which is reported by many as the "most debilitating symptom."
Could Parkinson's disease be linked to certain autoimmune diseases?
While the presence of T-cell activating proteins doesn't necessarily mean Parkinson's is autoimmune, a recent meta-study has revealed an increased risk for Parkinson's among certain autoimmune diseases.
Is a fourth booster shot more effective than three?
Those with autoimmune diseases may be especially vulnerable against COVID-19, with some more likely to develop long Covid than the average population.
Why are clinical trials important for autoimmune diseases?
One of the Autoimmune Registry's goals has always been to support research by connecting patients to clinical trials. New treatments and therapies require . . .
March is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month!
With more than 100 confirmed and suspected autoimmune diseases that collectively affect over 24 million people (just in the US), let’s make sure our diseases do not remain invisible.
There are long COVID clinics, but where are the autoimmune disease clinics?
In 2020, as COVID-19 spread around the world, more and more patients realized their symptoms didn’t go away. Brain fog, fatigue, and shortness of breath . . .
Can our gut affect inflammation in our brain?
Another study has just been published that has identified a receptor in our gut lining that can "reprogram the gut microbiome to promote harmful, chronic inflammation."
What can you do on Rare Disease Day?
Autoimmune diseases are often thought of as rare even though, collectively, they affect over 23 million people (just in the US).
Is your gut causing your fatigue?
Many autoimmune disease patients experience chronic fatigue. Yet this aspect of the disease is often overlooked by physicians . . .